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Old 09-20-2003, 10:30 AM   #7 (permalink)
Location: LA and Orange Counties
Originally posted by TK-421
I played beta for 1 and a half months. Got bored with it after 3 weeks. It's the same stuff over and over.
I can't think of a video game that's more different every time you play.
Planetside limits your character to specific amount of abilities. In order to be able to do everything in the game, you have to switch between skills, or develope three or four different characters. Here are some examples of the different things you can do in the game.
air vehicle pilot, ground vehicle driver.
exo-suit for anti-air, anti-vehicle, or anti-infantry.
infantry for anti-air, anti-vehicle, or anti-infantry. You can also specialize for indoor, or outdoor.
specialty infantry for sniping, recon, infiltration, defense, supply, medical
Since it's currently not possible to have all the abilities, you have to collect a variety of players into your squad per play session. Since the squad leader and members are different from night to night, each night is a different experience.

Originally posted by Hrothgar
The knock on Planetside has been why pay a monthly fee for a FPS when you could just as well play a plethora of other FPSs without the monthly fee.

I didn't pick up Planetside since I tend to play a game till I'm burned out then I won't play for a while. Pay to play would make me play even when I didn't want to just to get my money's worth.
The monthy fee covers server maintenance, gameplay upgrades (which have been good lately), bug fixes (which most other games take four years to get around to doing, if ever), and keeping cheaters out.
Also, I don't know any other FPS games that have 100 vs 100 vs 100 people battles every night. That's worth $12 a month to me, especially considering buying lunch costs $140 a month. Four bottles of booze (one per week) costs $160 a month.
$12 a month to play? No problem.
Originally posted by AxByC
i gave up on it. the devs dont care about fixing bugs or game balance. plus it takes next to no skill to be effective due to the cof. its crouch shoot crouch. boring......
The devs don't talk a whole lot about what they are working on at the moment. That's true. Usually, the bug fixes and game balances come out ten minutes after they announce it publicly. But there have been plenty of them, and the game is much improved over when it came out just a few months ago. This game is huge! It takes time to get it right.
As far as skill goes, it all depends on what game you are comparing it against, and what weapon you use. There are a few weapons, that after three months of playing, I'm finally taking the time to test them out. And they are HARD to use, but very powerful. So, this is a matter of opinion really.

Originally posted by Xiangsu
Fun for a while, but it gets old after about a month. I used to play a few months ago and when I did I was an elmo. It's so fun flying a reaver.
As far as the game getting old, I just haven't hit that point yet, or maybe I have more patience. Every time I get a little bored with one thing, there's always something else for me to try out.

I'm not trying to knock your opinions, but I can't see these arguements applying to this game.
So, I'm asking, what games do you play that satisfy your arguements against PlanetSide? If there's a better game, I want to know what it is, please.
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