Originally posted by prosequence
I'm more interested in what Jesus' answer was, you did ask him didn't you?
Nope, I didn't. I only speak a little Spanish. I'm not sure that my Spanish philosophy vocabulary would be up to snuff.
Pero, no es un idea mala.
lurkette, my prof replied with:
"My dear Randy,
The Bible is filled with ambiguity and metaphor. Did Jesus actually harm the money lenders? Did he actually drive them from the temple? Did those who wrote down the accounts of events write them as an eyewitness or as they were remembered or were the hands and minds of the writers guided by God? Remember that all of life is filled with ambiguities. How to resolve them takes a lifetime of concerted effort.
It would be of no help to you If I told you what I believe to be true. If you know what I believe by the end of class, I will have failed. The end result of an education should not be the training you receive for a specific career, but the training you receive in thinking for yourself. From that ability comes the right choice of a career and everything else that matters in your life.
So, Randy, ponder the richness and variety and inconsistencies of the Bible and then decide for yourself where the truth lies. I'm afraid that is not what you wanted to hear, but it is your life to live, not mine. I am pleased that you are asking questions; that is a good sign. We will talk further, yes?"