Yassar Arafat is beneath contempt. I was in Lebannon whenthat Bastard and his people in the PLO were massacring people and claiming the same kind of BS oppression he does now. The smell is the same, just the clothes have changed. The man is a pig, plain and simple. He has a net worth in the tens of millions while his people languish. Just like every other Muslim sultan or shiek, he cares nothing for his people and uses them only as cannon fodder and tools to achieve self-aggrandizement. Arafta should not be killed, however. He would be far too useful to those of his ilk dead at the hands of the Israelis. But don't think for a minute that he may not end up dead anyway at the hands of his own entourage who can easily blame it on the Israelis. I suggest that they either exile him to some incredibly small island somewhere and let jim live out the rest of his days while providing weekly update photos to show he is still alive, or ship him off to Saudi and let them deal with him. The problem is, nobody wants this lunatic running around loose in the world where he can challenge other countries and stir up trouble. Jordan doesn't want him, Syria won't have him and he is useless as anything but a terrorist in any venue he is placed. The Arabs need to absorb the "Palestinians" and the Israelis need to bannish and isolate him.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"