Originally posted by eple
UN. Climate panel website:
Have a pleasant read if you woud like to get your head out of your ass on this interesting issue.
Fun facts:
A few weeks ago, the panel reported new estimates, as they discovered that the current estimates on climate changes were too low. New estimates predict an increase of tempereature between 5-8 degrees celsius, and an increase in sea level ranging between 05 up to 3 metres within 100 years. This would make 200 000 000 humans homeless.
2/3 of the world's refugees are fleeing because of disturbances in climate, which can be related to human emmissions.
In 1998, more storms, floods, drough and other climate-change related catastrophes were recorded than in the entire 1800's. Most scientsist point to human emmissions.
The normal pattern of pre-ice age global heating have been breached, according to scientits recording data from glaciers. The normal peak have been reached, and the heating process continues, even though the next ice-age is still reasonably far away. Scientists point to Human emmissions.
As a member of the national board in the norwegian youth enviromental organization Natur og Ungdom (nature and youth), I study these numbers quite carefully. All numbers and estimates are taken from UN-assigned reports. I would be surprised if you could prove that the UN are doing this research for their own profit.
So that's an illiterate republican, a CEO of an oil company, and 17,000 scientists. We need a scorecard for this.
I have to go on Alvin on this one. Although I haven't finished filing through the UN report. I believe climate change is happening, and I believe that human emissions can add to it, but only slightly. I'm still perusing all the material though. It seems ridiculous that there is not a scientific consensus on this. That's what happens when politics and science meet. Everyones running around trying to scientifically prove what they already believe. Everyone's got their agendas.