I like Clark. I don't hate Bush. Its going to be close with these two for me. I want a good change, but I think Dean would be a little too much. I'm not happy with a lot of things Bush is doing, and Clark definitely sounds pretty refreshing. I look forward to seeing him campaigning. So far he seems like he would have the best chance against Bush. He'll get the moderates and the liberal conservatives if he doesn't resort to the same rhetoric as the other democratic candidates. The extremists and activists will stick to Dean, but if it was a choice between Clark and Bush, I think its obvious who they would choose. You might see Nader pick up a little more though because of Clark's moderate views. We'll see. I am glad he's running.
Lord, have mercy on my wicked soul
I wouldn't mistreat you baby, for my weight in gold.
-Son House, Death Letter Blues