when I need something soothing, I generally listen to music without words. Words distract me from relaxing.
The only exceptions to this rule, currently, are Norah Jones (although I've kind of played out that CD) and either Brushfire Fairytales or On And On by Jack Johnson. Both CDs are extremely relaxing.
As for instrumental discs, I listen to the following (all which can be found at Amazon)
Bach At Bedtime
Mozart At Midnight
Hilary Stagg: Dream Spiral (a little cheesy but if you like the harp, it's beautiful)
anything by George Winston
The Essence of Pachelbel by Michael Maxwell - this is variations on Pachelbel's famous "Canon in D." Extremely relaxing!
Silent Pool by Marian McPartland
You have to laugh at yourself...because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't. - Emily Saliers