Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
Alternatively, if you honestly and truly cannot think of these things (and God help you if this is the case), simply stop for a moment and think of what your wife does on a daily, weekly and (for some tasks) monthly basis. Imagine her cleaning up etc. What does she do? Then do that.
It's not that difficult.
Mr Mephisto
That’s pretty harsh; two people living together are going to have major differences in what is considered clean or what is considered necessary. In order to keep a happy healthy household, the cleanliness needs to find the level of the person who cares about it the most. If someone wants it really clean they should be willing to spell out the little nooks and crannies that might not occur to a normal person. The place where I live has several rules about when to do what. Not because people are lazy, simply because we can't all agree on how clean to keep things.