I used to hitchhike lots. I didn't have a car and I lived in an area that did not have bus service. Unless I wanted to ride my bike 40 km to the next town I was hitchin'. It works great. You get to meet lots of nice people (and some scum too). Some hints: try not to look like scum, Do not walk and hitch as it makes it look like you are going a short distance (short enough to walk), pisvk a spot with a good pullout where traffic is going slow and stand there, do not finger the people who pass you by, do not stand near a passing lane, don't wear sunglasses, make eye contact with each driver.
Yes, I pick up hitchhikers. It would be hypocritical of me not to. I don't pick up all hitchhikers however, some I have picked up are annoying so I pass them by.
I don't feel unsafe picking up hitchers. If one of them tried some shit I would crash my car (hitchres generally don't use seatbelts). Pretty hard to hurt me if you are on the on the ground having just passed through my windshield.