No, you just did it all at once, Spungfoo. If you do stuff here and there, you run out of the amount of times they think your number has been used whenever your machine goes to do an update. Don't do updates.
From Msoft, <i>"Enum
The Enum subkey in each Services subkey stores information about the hardware associated with that service. The values in the Enum subkey associate the service with the instance of the device it controls.
The Enum subkey appears in subkeys that are under the Services subkey and that store values for drivers and other services controlling or interacting with devices.
Values of entries in this subkey are rewritten each time the system starts. Do not change the values of entries in this subkey."</i>
Unless you are prepared for the absolute ignorance of your computer, to understand where it is, because enum is gone. Be prepared to supply it with the drivers, and other registry info you deleted!
Go online, if possible. Get current drivers, or let MSoft supply them for you. After re-installing the MSoft drivers, if you choose to install your own current drivers, you may do so.
Either way, you will have to reinstall soooo much stuff.
choice a: do a repair as shown above, or:
choice b: delete a file (enum) that tells your os what is installed in it's home town, and start fresh, or just fuging reinstall your operating system using the play by play queries that already understand what is installed!
If reinstalling XP requires all these clues, tutorials, then you need to let your son/daughter do it for you.
If you own a valid copy, just do it! What's the big deal?
Last edited by poof; 04-25-2003 at 05:13 PM..