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Old 09-17-2003, 09:47 PM   #88 (permalink)
nofnway's Avatar
Location: under the freeway bridge
is too not is too is not is too is not is too isnot istoo isnotistooisnot

Spiraling into oblivion......the way it looks from here is that California is very messed up. Democrats control every statewide office and both houses of the legislature. We California residents have every right to expect our government to run in an efficient and responsible manner. Obviously, running a $24B surplus to an estimated $38B deficit in 5 years, the current regime lacks the qualifications to husband the resources of the state.
Granted, depending on which pundit you ask, there were some unforseeable circumstances which led to our current situation. These shortfalls only amplify the flaws in the current scheme of taxation of the highest income earners and businesses. As their fortunes go so go the fortunes of the state.
I fear, nay, know many businesses and higher income earners are leaving the state. Oregon, Nevada and Arizona are packed with Golden staters fleeing for greener pastures.
Millions of Illegal aliens are straining our resources
Slackers and special interests are sucking us dry....oops slipping into oblivion.....anyway we are following on a trend that cannot continue

Gray has to go

Cruz is frankly the same as gray

Arnold is famous but what does he know about anything?

Ariana is an independent republican democrat with green tendencies...I can't see a cohesive leadership idea thing. (bye the bye ....has she done anything besides marry a rich guy and be on a lot of talk shows? not trying to be mean I just don't know)

Larry Flynt...I could never get that angry
Tom lots of government that good? I tend to agree with many of his positions but I am not sure he can broker the kind of changes we need in california.

Peter U is out

Camejo....latin for nut burger

In summation the grand conclusion is.......Bend over california...
"Iron rusts with disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold water freezes. Even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind"
Leonardo Da Vinci

Last edited by nofnway; 09-17-2003 at 09:51 PM..
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