Thread: HL2 or Doom3?
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Old 09-17-2003, 08:10 PM   #17 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by Lasereth
Is it me, or is the part when that beast rams through the pipes in the wall the best graphics I've ever seen in a videogame before?

Not just you, it totally freaked me out, the sound was perfect too, you hear the bolts fly off and rattle on the grate floors and the beasts roar as it spot you and runs towards you... oh and I love when you get hit how your vision blurs and shakes, blissfull.

Originally posted by SecretMethod70
Same. I'm looking forward to HL2 and will probably get it as well, but Doom3 is a definite. Doom is one of the first games that I played on Computers so there's a bit of sentimental value I guess, plus there's the fact that I think the idea of fighting demons from Hell just kicks butt I fully plan on turning the volume up, the lights down, and fragging the hell out of some demons
Exactly, Doom was the first immersive game I ever played, sure Wolf3d was cool but it was unrealistic and had no appreciation for the war that was going on outside those corridors. Doom seemed to take everything into account. I just hope I don't finish the game really quickly.
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