Thread: HL2 or Doom3?
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Old 09-17-2003, 06:53 PM   #13 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
DOOM3, sure HL2 has nice physics and all but it doesn't seem as graphically impressive as DooM3. DooM's 'storyline' I find is far more interesting too, mainly because I have a facination with demons and space.

The E3 video for HL2 was impressive, but watching the DooM3 E3 video I find myself far more impressed, to me HL2 is making you go "Wow! Oooh, ahhh!" where DooM3 is more atmospheric. Having played the leaked Alpha for it I can tell you I was genuinely freaked out. The level where the four legged beast bursts through the wall had me closing my eyes and covering my ears, I shit you not. NO game has ever been able to do that, even Silent Hill 3, though damn scary, could not make me do that, and to think that it was only an Alpha that fucked me up, extraoridinary.

However I'll still be buying both, but at this stage am far more eager to get my grubby little hands on DooM3, needless to say I'll be buying new underwear at the same time.
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