Originally posted by erion
I don't care what the hell is going on in your life, what kind of person is such a selfish twisted fuck that killing your kids sounds like a good way to get even with someone?
Just another reason I think there needs to be a liscence for having kids. Reading through this article it seems these people are just runing around having babies left and right. Does anyone know about birth control? If you have the ability to be this selfish and twisted they need to be sterilized. Four innocents died because these people could't keep their collective dicks in their pants!
I still don't understand why the kids didn't just open the doors and leave, especially when they knew they were going to die. It didn't sound like they were restrained in any way. They were found in their pajama's and clutching pillows. Especially when he put one of them on the phone to talk to the mom!