Originally posted by popo
I'm not sure if this is the one I was remembering but it says the same thing:
Would the pollees themselves agree to join a Palestinian State when it is established about 78% refuse and 11.5% are ready to do so. The main reasons they note for their agreement are: since I am a Palestinian (61.4%), because of the existence of manifestations of racism against Arabs (24.1%) and because of family members on the other side (10.8%).
Of those who prefer to remain in the State of Israel, almost one-half (48.4%) stated that the reason is that they have become used to living in the State of Israel. 32.5% see a transfer to the Palestinian State as a forfeiture of their homeland and of the brotherhood of the Arab community in Israel. The economic situation plays a role only for 5.1% and the feeling of freedom in Israel as compared to what would be in a Palestinian State 8.3%.
Note that the 24% who would move to Palestine because of racism in Israel represents just ~3% overall (24% of 12%).
Why would anyone want to return to the oppressed nation of Palastine? How about Israelis let Palastines go to work without carrying papers, stay out after curfew, buy land without permission, electe leaders without interference. This poll is like asking if ex cons would like to go back to prison.