Originally posted by rgr22j
The 2,500 scientists that helped contribute to the United Nations' International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) noted in 1995 that the evidence of global warming thus far "cannot be considered as compelling evidence of cause-and-effect link between anthropogenic forcing and changes in the Earth's surface temperature." In summary, there is no conclusive proof.
Furthermore, "Seventeen thousand scientists (half of whom are trained in physics, geophysics, climate science, meteorology, oceanography, chemistry, biology or biochemistry) recently signed a petition written by Frederick Seitz, a past president of the National Academy of Sciences, declaring that there is no compelling evidence to justify reducing greenhouse gas emissions at all." (Cato Institute)
This is not to say that global warming is a real phenomenon; it exists, but it is not clear if it is a response to human activity or simply part of the natural cycle. 30 years ago the fear was that the earth was entering a cooling cycle; it has not. Human activity, of course, has some effect. But how much? A dozen Europes and a dozen Americas would not have prevented the Ice Age.
So make that an illiterate Republican, a CEO of an oil company, and 19,500 scientists.
-- Alvin
UN. Climate panel website:
Have a pleasant read if you woud like to get your head out of your ass on this interesting issue.
Fun facts:
A few weeks ago, the panel reported new estimates, as they discovered that the current estimates on climate changes were too low. New estimates predict an increase of tempereature between 5-8 degrees celsius, and an increase in sea level ranging between 05 up to 3 metres within 100 years. This would make 200 000 000 humans homeless.
2/3 of the world's refugees are fleeing because of disturbances in climate, which can be related to human emmissions.
In 1998, more storms, floods, drough and other climate-change related catastrophes were recorded than in the entire 1800's. Most scientsist point to human emmissions.
The normal pattern of pre-ice age global heating have been breached, according to scientits recording data from glaciers. The normal peak have been reached, and the heating process continues, even though the next ice-age is still reasonably far away. Scientists point to Human emmissions.
As a member of the national board in the norwegian youth enviromental organization Natur og Ungdom (nature and youth), I study these numbers quite carefully. All numbers and estimates are taken from UN-assigned reports. I would be surprised if you could prove that the UN are doing this research for their own profit.