Hey NoSoup!
A few general questions.
First, how can I obtain my credit report? Do you have to pay for this?
I have 3 credit cards, totaling about $13,000 in debt. I'm using a counsling agency. They were only able to make a deal with 2 of the cards, so the 3rd I still pay directly. Would it make sense to get out of the counsling agency and pay the cards myself? I am able to pay off the cards, at least the minimum each month.
Basically, I'm just not sure how much I benifit with this agency. It doesnt seem as if I'll pay off the cards any sooner through them. I have since cancled these cards. I was thinking of reopening the one card (its a Visa), woud this be wise? Now, I would not use it, but it seems it would be good for my credit rating to have it open.
I'm still living at home, but I am looking to move out in 6 months or so. At my current job I make around $24,000 a year. I have a car, those payments will be done in a little less than 2 years. How hard will it be to get into an apartment?
Money gives me a headache...
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.