Originally posted by RemyLebeau97
Ok, so here's the deal, I ended up using GIFworks to shrink the GIF down to 100X100 pixels, when I try to change my avatar it still says it's to large, needs to be 200000 bytes or less, I don't know whats up with that. Maybe it's just not meant for me to have a GIF avatar?? What do you all think ??
You can try reducing the image even further to reduce the file size of the image to under 200000 -- try 95 X 95 then 90 X 90 and so on and so forth until the image will be accepted. At that point decide if the avatar has been reduced to much or its still acceptable to you.
Originally posted by RemyLebeau97
Ok, so here's the deal, I ended up using GIFworks to shrink the GIF down to 100X100 pixels, when I try to change my avatar it still says it's to large, needs to be 200000 bytes or less, I don't know whats up with that. Maybe it's just not meant for me to have a GIF avatar?? What do you all think ??