Originally posted by bundy
that is fantastic.
now you need a juke box, a milkshake machine and a couple of roller skating waitresses, and youŽd have yourself there a damn nice basement set up.
Heh. While it lacks those amenities, it does have an Xbox, GameCube, PS2 and 52" big screen, so that's a start. Next on my wish list is something my brother-in-law built - a cooler converted into a beer tap with up to six types of beer. It doesn't appear too difficult to build - and isn't prohibitively expensive (though it'll be a while before I can afford to try).
seriously, quackers, thats awesome.
do many people have their own arcade machines in their houses over there?? is it a common thing?
Not that I know of. Someone I work with bought a classic Gauntlet machine at one of the auctions that are held around here periodically. I got this kit from a very cool company out of California - but I don't know of anyone else who has one.
It's worth it for the opportunity to realistically recreate the Robotron experience!