/me chains self to server. I'm not moving til you say you'll stay!
I can't add to what everyone has said for you to stay, simply because I don't want to restate it. I WOULD like to say, that if I ever act the way you have described. PM me and let me know. I might get angry at first, but I can't turn down a debate, especially if I become a better person because of it.
As Z said, assholes are everywhere, just like there are bad drivers, just gotta assume that one is around you.
G_Whiz: "A particular example is the number of people who don't understand when to use "their" or "there". "
Yeah that bothers me too. One that I ALWAYS notice is the "to" and "too" usage. Not many people pick that up, for some reason it stuck in my head.
Oh yeah, and to get back on topic before I end this thing. Lurkette, You are a great example of why I'm here. For all those not willing to argue what they think, or just say something and walk away... Thats not why I stay. (Thus, you leaving would be one less reason for me to stay.)
--And to end on a comical note...
Lebell: "If not for the rockogres, lurkettes, artelevisions, etc., "
Glad you didn't mention me. I'd be scared if there was more than one GakFace