My dad used to let me steer while driving when I was preschool age. Then in first grade on the drive to school (rural area) we spotted one of our cows that had escaped the fencing. Dad wanted to chase it back the mile or so to our pasture, so he showed me how the pedals worked, and I drove along beside dad and the cow as he chased it back home.
Also our driveway was 1/2 mile long or so and in the sping would become a long mud bog. Dad would have to tow the truck in and out to the county road with the tractor, and I'd steer the truck as we went. This was around the same time.
Where I live in Canada at the time you could get your learners permit at 14, and going in to the DMV for the exam was my B-day present. Been on the road ever since...
Even have had a couple of "driving" jobs.