Looks like i get to keep my bottoms ones. Came in while i was getting braces on. they simply stuck a bracket on em and told me how lucky i was. No signs of any top ones, so im hoping for the best.
By the time i was in 5th grade though, i had had 8 teeth pulled. went in twice for 4 teeth each time. That guy was a quack and there should be some malpractice suits on his ass if ya ask me...
Anyway, there was nothing but local anesthetic for those. That pain wasn't bad but the ripping sound is intense, along with the pressure. I wasnt in for some other oral surgery though, for some grafting of gum tissue from the roof of my mouth to the gumline. That was much worse than getting teeth pulled. You be surprised how long it takes for the roof of your mouth to heal from getting cut open and a chunk taken out of it. But this is where it gets really cool. I cant remembr the name of teh drug, but i told the dentist who reffered my there that i had huge problems with anxiety before i went. Tell this to your dentist for every operation! make sure someone drives you though.
there was no gas, just anesthetic. I took the drug like 2 hours before i went there. It kills any memory you have while its active. I remembr getting to teh office. Then i kinda remembr stumbling out. the two hours or whatever i was in there for are a total black out. At one point i think i even went to sleep while they were working on me, because i apprently had my eyes closed and couldn't keep my mouth open. It very well may have been teh worst pain ever, but 10 minutes after i got out of there i couldn't have told you what my name was probably, let alone if it hurt or not. Trust me, if you can't remember it, it really IS just like there was no pain. Just tell your dentist you have anxiety problems and dont want gassed
Just remembered what it was - Halcion (im pretty sure) either way, its my drug of choice.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.
Last edited by Peryn; 09-17-2003 at 04:03 PM..