I have the urge to turn this into an essay ... but we'll see, ne?
I have the feeling that FFVII was the first FF/Squaresoft RPG for most people. Among my friends, people for whom FFVII was their first FF loved it, would swear by it, named their kids after characters in the game, etc. Those that had played other FF-style RPGs before VII tended not to like it quite as much.
I will admit, FFVII was a fantastic game. I've beaten it so many times I've memorized every inch of the game, every item location, every code sequence, every boss strategy. And yet every once in a while when I tire of D2 or Warcraft I'll break out FFVII, and it's still fun.
I don't understand that at all.
The graphics are terrible. The gameplay is good: simple, clean, and to-the-point, but not phenomenal. The music was good (most people argue the best, but I liked Chrono Trigger and FFVI/III much better). The characters and storyline were good. But everyone, including me, seem to think it is some kind of God-send. But when asked why I love it so much, I can't think of a single thing to say.
To wrap up, of the Squaresoft games I'd go with:
#1 - Final Fantasy X
I'm a graphics person, so FFX blew me away. The storyline also struck me as significantly different/original. The music was reminiscent of FFVII, which is always a good thing, but had enough of its own character to separate itself from its predecessor (though I'd say Uematsu is *gasp* running out of ideas?). I'll agree with a few other people here and say the characters were extremely annoying. I was wishing for a Japanese dub, English sub version, but ... *shrug*. Oh, and FFX International boasts the most powerful bosses in any FF, ever (IMHO), which is always a plus for me.
#2 - Chrono Trigger
Were it not for the graphics, I would crown Chrono Trigger the best RPG of all time. Why? Not really sure.
#3 - FF VII
We've been over this already.
That aside - I'm surprised by the lack of Baldur's Gate enthusiasts. I'd have thought they would outnumber Morrowind fans. Tells you how much I know about the video game industry, I suppose. My picks for non-squaresoft RPGs:
#1 Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn + Throne of Bhaal
Without the expansion pack, BG2 would have lost to Morrowind in my book. But with epic levels, ridiculously cool/overpowered high level abilities and spells, as well as items and omnipotent boss monsters galore, the game just blew me away. The very nice NPC party play was a huge plus - NPCs that actually had personality so real you could almost shed tears for them.
#2 Morrowind
Does this require an explanation? Didn't think so.
#3 Neverwinter Nights
It disappointed me, really, but it wasn't that bad of a game - my expectations were just much too high after playing BG2. The main thing it lacked was party play - NWN makes you feel really alone, especially in the massive 3D environments. Aside from the immediate battles, everything seems so far away and dispersed - detached is the word I'm looking for, I think. And your henchman has all the personality of an ATM machine.
I'd claim Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 were RPGs, but not many people would agree. They would both rank pretty high on my overall chart - Warcraft 3's storyline started off really well but sort of fell off near the end when it became apparent that Blizz just wanted to get the game done and on the market. The Bonuse Campaign for Frozen Throne is definitely RPG to the core, and it's the most fun I've had in a while.
Diablo 2 is ... well, it's Diablo 2. Anyone who's played the game knows the feeling. Those who haven't ... trying to explain it is a futile effort. It's not a great game, it's not particularly innovative, the graphics are just passable, the soundtrack is less than spectacular ... but it's Diablo 2. It's more dangerous than heroine or cheap sex on some days.