Originally posted by 2wolves
Given the choice between giving our country to the corporations or having a president who gets some illicit head, I have to go with head every freaking time.
I sincerely wish, and am working towards, G. W. Bush's policies (aka Karl Rove and the nutzo neo-con's) getting an unpeeled pineapple enema.
Keep your god out of my government.
I'm baffled about this constant misconception about corporations. Before 1994, when the Democrats controlled the House, they received the majority of contributions from business/corporate interests (note: not corporations, PACs). After 1994, this trend reversed. (opensecrets.org)
Corporate campaign contributions to Democrats hit a high in 1998 (55% of all contributions), leveled off in 2000, (50%), and swung to the Republicans in 2002.
The simple answer is that corporations give to whichever party is in power. They don't care for Democrat or Republican, just whoever can swing some policy their way. Of course, there are certain sectors that heavily contribute one way or another. Oil/energy largely to Republicans, entertainment (like the RIAA) and law firms to Democrats. Academia donates overwhelmingly to Democrats, as does 90% of organized labor.
What you probably already know is that Republicans raise a significant amount of more cash than Democrats. However, 92% of donations over $1,000,000 went to Democrats. But for every 2 people that donate to Democrats, 3 donate to Republicans. Republicans completely dominate the Democrats amongst people donating less than a few hundred dollars. Ironically, looking at it in this light, the Democrat is a politician who got a whole ton of cash from a few wealthy donors, while the Republican is one who got a whole lot of small donations from a whole lot of people. Reversed, isn't it?
By the way, where are you conservatives? I'm not the one who should be defending Republicans here... I'm not the one who voted for Bush, after all.
-- Alvin
EDIT: Argh, pressed "submit" too soon!