Originally posted by Conclamo Ludus
If people truly don't want him out, than Davis will stay, so what's the worry?
The worry is the cost of the election and the political fallout resulting from pundits and various people eyeing our affairs and laying the nation's problems at the feet of left-wing conspiracists operating out of the 9th Circuit.
BTW, here's the actual charge levied against Davis in the ballot I received today:
Proponent's Statement of Reasons
To the Honorable Gray Davis: Persuant to Section 11020, California Election Code, the undersigned registered qualified voters of the State of California, hereby give notice that we are the proponenets of a recall petition and that we intend to seek your recall and removal from the office of Governor of the State of California, and to demand election of a successor in that office. The grounds for the recall are as follows:
Gross mismanagement of California Finances by overspending taxpayers' money, threatening pubic safety by cutting funds to local governments, failing to account for the exorbitant cost of the energy fiasco, and failing in general to deal with the state's major problems until they get to the crisis stage. California should not be known as the state with poor schools, traffic jams, outrageous utility bills, and huge debts...all caused by gross mismanagement.
[emphasis original]
Does anyone else think this statement is ludicrous? I mean, it's not so much that I disagree but that some of the statements have no relation to Davis' actions and others seem to be problems every single state as well as the nation, as a whole, are experiencing. The last part, besides personifying California's lifestyle of at least three decades, doesn't even hinge on the governor's responsibilities.