Originally posted by Superbelt
I'm not talking about the overpunches and hanging chads and crap like that.
The black voters weren't at fault. Tens of thousands of them were NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE AT ALL. They were told to go home because of a false criminal record that was set up in a shoddy felon list that only looked for key identifiers like last names and they excluded many with that last name that never commiteed a crime. I think it was about 90,000 wrongfully excluded predominantley black and democrat people.
Not all registered voters vote. A big percentage don't. I think about 27 million californians are eligible/registered to vote and only 7mill actually did.
<B>*<a target=new href="http://civic.net/civic-values.archive/200107/msg00060.html">Florida's black voter turnout grossly overstated (LINK)</a></b>
"Contrary to all reports, black voters on Nov. 7 constituted 10 percent of Florida's turnout -- 610,616 by actual count, as opposed to estimates that routinely top 900,000"
<b>*<a target=new href="http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/dissenting_report_press_releas.htm">Dissenting Report On Florida Finds NO Discrimination (LINK)</a></b>
" Dr. Abigail Thernstrom, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, testified today before the Senate Rules Committee that the Commission’s majority report on the 2000 Florida election used flawed data to justify its preconceived, partisan belief that the election was marred by discrimination and disfranchisement of minority voters. A more rigorous statistical analysis of the Florida voting data found that the race of voters in recent Florida elections was statistically unrelated to the rate of ballot spoilage."
<i>Not all registered voters vote. A big percentage don't. I think about 27 million californians are eligible/registered to vote and only 7mill actually did. </i>
<b>*</b>So if only 7 million voted and 1 Million signed the petition for the recall the percentage is...