SkanCOr: My question was the natural question to be asked : If politics is played as a dirty little game, how do we get the politicians to stop playing dirty? If the dems tried to elevate the debate they would get bitch-slapped by Karl Rove at every turn - - - so where's the incentive? That the public would take notice and reward democratic candidates with their votes? Ain't gonna happen and you and I know it. Most people who vote aren't as informed as those who post in this forum.
I look at the tenor of political debate today and I know who I blame for it. I notice it was the Republicans who started calling the Dems a bunch of traitors, family-destroying libertines, lazy welfare cheats, baby-killers, etc. ( I don't have Newt's list in front of me and can't remember them all). And I don't see the media equivalents of Rush Limbaugh, Joe Scarborough, G. Gordon Liddy, Sean Hannitty, Dr. Laura, The Dark Avenger, Tony Snow, O'Reilly, Coulter and all the others too numerous to mention.
It's ugly, I agree, but I know who made it that way.
Republicans Repent!