Originally posted by cnor
I love your opinions, even if they’re not always mine….if everyone agreed with
eachother about everything, the TFP would be a very dull and boring place.
Thanks for replying, and I am really glad you're here. I love reading what you have to say (and I love your photography).
I absolutely respect and value a diversity of opinions. I'm not trying to shut down debate, or say that everyone should agree.
This isn't about opinions, it's about how opinions are expressed. Listen, I hope seretogis doesn't get pissed if I hold him up as an example, but he and I disagree constantly in the politics forum, but I really, REALLY respect him because he never ever spouts off - his opinions are always (as far as I can remember) expressed politely and thoughtfully, and he's willing to admit it if he's wrong or if someone comes up with something that changes his mind on a topic. He has very sincerely held beliefs that happen to differ almost diametrically from mine, and he defends them admirably and makes me think. As long as people are respectful and civil, I absolutely defend their right to disagree with anyone and everyone.
What bothers me is people who express opinions - even those I agree with (especially those I agree with, because it makes "us" look bad) - disrespectfully or thoughtlessly. And it happens all time.
I don't want people to stifle their expression, I just want them to work a little harder to express themselves responsibly and in a way that 1. builds community instead of dividing it, and 2. furthers understanding of the things we're talking about instead of polarizing peoples' positions.