I've had long, serious relationships with people that I didn't "love". We had great sex - enjoyed each others company, and I think she loved me - but I just never came to love her. I wasn't "using" the other person, or taking advantage, or leading on, or anything bad. Sex is not some magical, mystical thing. It is important and it isn't. It can be meaningful, or just fun - It can be a thousand things. It is nothing if you don't have it. You won't be good at it if you don't practice. The worst thing possible would be to fall in love with someone before you had sex, and then when you have sex find out it is horrible and you are sexually incompatible. I couldn't "fall in love" with someone who didn't knock my socks off sexually. You have seen too many movies on Lifetime. Loosen up and get out there and live, love and learn. You won't find what you need without making lots of mistakes first. Your method is pretty close to rainbows and unicorns. You need to wise up and live a little.