Re: I have a message for my liberal friends...
I'll keep this short since its been run in the ground. The Florida ballot thing is an obvious case of corruption. The whole rant he does on it excludes the facts that tens of thousands of black voters were wrongfully excluded from the voting rolls and that the company that excluded them eventually admitted to as much. Gore, if he got the statewide recount, which is what he fought for in the SCOTUS, would have won the state.
Texas Gerrymandering:
Texas Republicans tried to ram through gerrymandering, and the Dems eventually fought it, and defeated it with several fence sitting republicans. So they tried again several months later only this time by removing a rule that defeated the bill the first time. IT WAS DEFEATED. So the Senators left after the Majority Republicans had to squash the democrats voting rights to ram their legislation through. The gerrymandering will not hold up in court.
Also, The republicans say "It doesn't seem to bother them that this principle—the right of the majority to get like-minded representation, regardless of which party wins jurisdiction by jurisdiction—is exactly the principle they deny in Texas. Gore lost the Electoral College while winning a 48 percent plurality of the vote nationwide. Texas Republicans lost a majority of the state's congressional seats in 2002 while winning 56 percent of the vote statewide. "
He, and the Texas Republicans fail to realize that not everyone in this nation votes straight party line. You can vote for a Republican president and still vote for a Democrat or independent congressman. Americans have the freedom and intelligence to vote like that. Maybe if the republicans ran better campaigns down there they might be able to elect their own congressmen.
California Recall:
1.3 million PEOPLE signed a petition to recall Gray Davis. Not voters. The signers were just people walking out of Wal-Mart's and supermarkets and door to door solicitations. Not voters. I would bet 30% or less of the people who signed the recall petition actually voted for or against Gray. Also what about the rights of the people who DID elect Gray?
3,469,025 VOTERS, or 47.4% of those who voted, elected Gray.
There are 34 million people in California
0.038% of californians voted to get Gray out.
So this small minority of people who I am sure most of which were too lazy to actually vote in the election were able to subvert the will of the people who actually took the time to get out and vote for a governor. The saying goes. "If you don't vote you can't complain."
Anyway I just wanted to address those things.... Carry on.