Some thoughts:
1. It's nice to see that the TFP folks didn't put Texas ahead of Arkansas as the coach's poll did.
2. Ohio State at #7 below K-State? Kansas State played the Boys and Girls Club of Topeka for their last victory. Seriously, did anyone know UMass had a football team? Their only decent opponent has been Cal, but this Cal team is gunning for last in the Pac-10 with a big showdown with Arizona. I admit some Ohio State bias here, and there is no way this team will be a BCS team (I'll be the first to admit it), but c'mon! K-State?
3. I was glad to see Bowling Green, Northern Illinois, get some love over TCU. TCU, which I believe is ranked in both polls, played very poorly last week against Navy. And the academies are really bad this year. I was a little surprised Cincinnati didn't get any votes, as they may be the class of their conference with a nice win over West Virginia.
4. The only real jump in points occurs between Texas and Oregon between positions 17 and 18. You kind of get the impression that everyone included seventeen on up on their lists at some point, and the disagreement occured over the last three positions.
5. Thanks again to RoadRage for the poll.