I've discovered that mind come from low blood pressure. Before I get one I always notice a feeling wash over me as though all the energy has drained out and I notice dizziness whenever I stand up. I have checked my blood pressure immediately after that feeling comes over me and found every time that it is very low. The last time it was 75 over 50. I am unsure as to what is causing it and none of my Dr's have ever been concerned about my cronically low blood pressure. Two of them checked me out to make sure there was no internal bleeding but otherwise nothing is wrong. When I sense that feeling I take my Maxalt (a newer version of Imitrex) and any headache that began with the dizziness is gone in about 15-20 minutes. I also make sure I lay down since the blood pressure won't affect me as much then.
I guess listening to your body and learning what triggers the headaches can help you head them off. Also when I did have headaches that took over before I got my prescription for Maxalt I would use ice packs on the back of my neck. Laying down is always better than standing up and continuing doing stuff.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.