My favorite are the Simpsons drinking game, the Iron Chef drinking game, and the Star Wars drinking game. Rules for the first two can be found online.
The Star Wars game works with Eps. 4-6. You drink every time Luke whines, every time someone says "the Force", every time someone says "Darth" or "Vader" or "Darth Vader" (Darth Vader together is three drinks) . . . .
I love the absolute horror that can be experienced during drinking games.
When you get to the point where you're saying to yourself:
"Ohmygod, I can't take a drink. I can't take a drink! But if I don't take a drink now, I'm gonna have to catc- fuck, now I have to take two drinks! What'm I gonna do?"
and you end up finishing the one you've got and going for another, thereby missing three more times that you have to make up for.