I know I argued before that it is possible to do a good deed, but I lied. I have seen the light of 3leggedfrog's logic, and I have come to the realization that I have never done a good deed. All the good I have ever done in my life was from selfish impulses that only served to line my wallet, promote me in my business, and increase my standing with everyone in the world. I thought that when I held the door for one of my co-workers that I was doing it selflessly. Well, turns out the entire company was on the other side of the door, and they cheered my name for 10 minutes afterward. So, I really did it for the praise of the people.
The other day, when I returned a wallet I found, I thought the deed would go in secret, but actually the residents of 6 apartment buildings were all looking out their windows at the same time, and threw confetti and roses on the ground at my feet. So once again, I did something for public accolades.
Yesterday, I swerved to miss a deer that surely would have been killed if I had struck it. Lo and behold, the heavens themselves opened and the Lord shone his countenance on me and bellowed "Well done, my good and faithful servant!" Another good deed done selfishly.
3leggedfrog is absolutely right.
"I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request." - Capt. Barbossa