sorry been caught up in studying. man i thought i was taking it easy this semester. gahhh.
anyway. motdakasha got your point.
i wouldnt want to turn this in but for simple pleasure of this argument here is a really rough argument
lets start with Fredrich Nietzche
"what is harmful to me is harmful it self" Nietzche (beyound good and evil) states when he is talking about morality. "such morality is self glorifacation." i am leaving out a lot due to the time.
"Where the good begins.-- Where the poor power of the eye can no longer see the evil impulse as such because it has become too subtle, man posits the realm of goodness; and the feeling that we have now entered the realm of goodness excites all those impulses which had been threatened and limited by the evil impulses, like the feeling of security, of comfort, of benevolence. Hence, the duller the eye, the more extensive the good. Hence the eternal cheerfulness of the common people and of children. Hence the gloominess and grief - akin to a bad conscience - of the great thinkers." Nietzche
on social contract by
"...The foundation of Hobbes's theory is the view that humans are psychologically motivated by only selfish interests. Hobbes argued that, for purely selfish reasons, the agent is better off living in a world with moral rules than one without moral rules. Without moral rules, we are subject to the whims of other people's selfish interests."
freud's theories on PSYCHOANALYTIC approach to psychology.
"Freud believed the unlearned biological instincts influenced the way people think, feel, and behave,( especially sexual and aggressive impulses conflicting with society’s demands) were the chief environmental contributions to our personality.
unlearned biological instincts are called desires.
this proves that i am not alone in thinking that good is just selfishness with a pleasing outcome.
can we know what makes other people do "good deeds"? we can infer from past behaviors of both that single person and all of humanity. this is how one predicts how another is going to react to a situation. we may never know why is B.S. yes we can by using our scientific techs, experence, and our rational mind. ex. why does a person have sex. 1) pleasure 2) procreation 3) companionship 4)power ect... why does a person do good deeds 1,2,3,4 ect. we can know why a person does a good deed by using our minds.
i am to burnt out to put this all together i can add a lot more philosophers and psychologist who think that good is just selfish desires. maybe later when i have more time.
frog limps towards. his pond pulls his lily pad over him, and begins to snore. ribbet...ribbet...*