Originally posted by lady
I was quite shy when I was younger and was raised in a conservative home. The school I went to didn't have dances and I was too self-conscious to dance when I finally went to parties when I was older.
I'm in my mid-twenties now and am a horrible dancer. It's kind of a vicious circle. I suck at dancing, so I'm really self-conscious about it and my self-consciousness adds to me being awkward and junk when I do.
I really do want to be able to dance. It looks like so much fun. This might sound silly, but are there any videos or anything that can teach me some "moves", to help me gain some confidence? (Preferably free as I'm a poor student) I've tried looking on kazaa but I've only found salsa dancing videos and the like.
I asked my bf (who loooooooves dancing) to teach me and he dismissed it saying "just move your body". *grr*
You could go to dance clubs and observe others dancing. Take notes, go home, and practice what you saw.
You could befriend people who love to dance and are willing to teach you.
Enroll in a dance class at school since it counts toward PE requirements and those reqs are often overlooked or forgotten.