Originally posted by Darkblack
[B]Here is a scenario for you. Say it is the year 3003 and Canada became this great power and started moving into our land saying it was their holy land.
After WWII you had a mass upheavel of Jews from the Holocaust, they had no home to return too. So people start thinking of a place for them to go. I believe one idea was Brazil (could be wrong, don't quote me), or in the British territory of Palestine where the Zionist movement had been buying land for almost a century. So obviously they settle on The Holy Land because as Jews they have historical ties to it, plus at this point it is not heavily settled by anyone. So the U.N. gets involved they have two idea's on have to divide the land Partition it (which the Palestinian inhabitants refuse) or to make one state (which the Jews reject). So blah blah... they decide to partition the land, civil war insues.
We are a third world nation now and do not have a huge military.
Israel was fending for itself, where as the Palestinians were backed with the Arab league of Nations. After the Declaration of Israel in 48' the War was no longer a civil war when 5 regular Arab armies came to aid the Palestinians (Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan). President Truman took it upon himself to at least give the Israeli's political support by recognizing the state.
France is a huge superpower and funds Canada for years. Eventually we are pushed back to California. This is where we make our last stand.
We didn't start aiding Israel until the 50's when all of the Arab joined the Soviet camp. Israel took some gains after they were attacked in 48' because they had the upper hand and seized the oppurtunity. They took more gains in 56' after they were attacked. Israel got even more lands in 67' after Egypt succesfully provoked them (would turn out to be unsuccesful for the Egyptians), now they had lands in Gaza, the SUez Canal, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights.
George W Bush VI is president and he is trying to keep what little land we have left. France offers us Watts as a peace agreement if we stop fighting. Canada tells Bush to dismantle our militia because they are terrorists that are attacking their people.
Arafat is not some morally righteous leader. He has amassed a personal fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Take a look at what he did to Lebanon (wasn't all him, but his prescence did not help the situation). Jordan nearly crumbled under the presence of the PLO.
Its tough to say if things could've been different had certain things happened or not happened. If the Arabs (non-Palestinian Arabs) never would've gotten involved, I can guarentee things would be a hell of alot different. It is very very naive and easy to solely blame Israel and America for everything that has happened there.
*Damnit Lebell beat me too it