1) Buy platinum. Iridium is another gimmick
2) Buy single prong. Multi-prong is marketing ploy.
3) Spend the bucks to get quality plugs with the above features. It's cheap insurance.
As many people have said, platinum is wonderfully long-lasting. I was stunned at the difference in durability when I put my first set of platinum plugs in. I had a 302 that tended to run rich, thus causing the plugs to foul quicker. I tended to replace every other month due to the carb probs I was having. When I went to platinum, I did not have to change the plugs again (vehicle was totalled about 9 months after the plugs were last changed, thus the "ever again" comment). I've run nothing but plat-plugs since and have been wildly pleased with them.
Pure electrical theory tells me that multi-prong plugs, especially those silly Splitfires, won't work. Normal electricity produces one arc only in the situations arising within your engine. One, period. When you see pics of multiple arcs, it is because the arc is 'jumping' too quickly for the eye to process. What you see as multiple arcs is nothing more than retinal afterimage.