I am an environmentalist who forgets my canvas shopping bags every time I go to the grocery store. I don't shop at the organic groc store because it's expensive. I don't drive the best car in terms of gas mileage because it was what was available to me and it's too expensive to go buy a new Insight. So much for ideals at any cost :-/
I decry a materialist lifestyle but I own a house and just bought $60 worth of clothes I don't really need. I have way too much crap. I try to make up for this by giving to charities that help the poor around the world, but it's still hypocritical.
I think it's difficult to abide 100% by your own ideals, but striving to live up to them and acknowledging where you fall short goes a long way towards redemption.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France