Agree with lurkette on the age thing, unless you're dead there's no such thing as too late. But, even though you are in the military, you are still your own person. They will break you down and put you back together but you do not become an automaton.
That said, each service has its own pluses and minuses.
The air force has better facilities (typically not very forward deployed so you get relative safety and more of the creature comforts).
The army has a lot of different jobs since it is so large.
The navy has lots of opportunities but you have to put up with the ice cream man uniforms (apologies to the sailors out there ;^)).
The Corps, well, it's the Corps. No matter what your MOS you are a grunt at heart. If you don't like that idea, stear clear.
As far as Special ops, your best bets would be army or navy. The air force and Marine Corps have few slots in spec warfare and those slots are highly competitive (not that the others aren't but there are more of them).
Another alternative is the Coast Guard.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.