Any trading service will work for you - eTrade, Scottrade, AmeriTrade, etc.
AmeriTrade's interface isn't spectacular, but it doesn't really need to be since all that is entered is the ticker, trade type, and number of shares/$. Order placed and done!
I use Scottrade for IRA funds because they don't charge any acquisition fees.
Real day traders use specialized services that trade in real-time. "Consumer" trading services that promise order fulfimment in less than 30 seconds aren't necessarily the same thing. A friend of mine uses a (relatively) expensive service to trade options in real-time. Unfortunately I don't know the specifics.
Personally, I would go the route of "buy and hold." Funds, not stocks. But it's up to what your investment goals are and your risk tolerance.
Best of luck to you!
How you do anything is how you do everything.