You have done great and hopefully you have seen the worst of it already and he won't get "bad" again. The only thing that I could add is that you need to make sure that you aren't duped into unwittingly becoming his enabler. I would keep ALL the clamps on. If you haven't, I would have him go to AA and you to Alanon - sorry if I missed this in an earlier post. The only way I would let him keep living in my house was if he turned over all of his paychecks to me. I could then just dole out what he needs when he needs it. I would be worried that if he gets a wad of money in his pocket he will run out and buy drugs. This arrangement would help to insure that home is not a soft pillow for him to land on when he falls off the wagon. This should be his one time chance and keep the harsh controls and try to limit the time period where he will be staying at home. You have done great and so has he - to get him back on his feet. I wish you and him luck and happiness.