The only time I have ever seen stoppages I would call a "jam" was a "bolt-over" failure to feed caused by the use of an old magazine and a double feed caused by a failed extractor.
yes, I would tend to agree with debaser. Most, if not all the jams that I have seen have resulted from weak or failed extractor springs, and most misfeeds result from dented and old magazines actually.
Even while firing blanks, which result in much higher fouling of the barrel, (since most of the gas is redirected back into the gun), I've never seen an M16 jam because of too much carbon/fouling on the bolt carrier group or in the chamber.
The firing pin itself is "self cleaning, in that carbon buildup will not occur beyond a point that will foul the gun.
the conical area is about the limit of carbon buildup on the firing pin itself, and builup up till that level will not affect performance. Of course, my rifle was cleaned to perfection after every firing, but it could have been left like that.
range: 600m? please don't kid me.
without optics such as scopes, and using iron sights, the front post on the sights will nicely cover a man sized target at 300m. There is no way to aim it properly without a scope at longer ranges than than.
Lower muzzle velocity on an AK will also result in a less flat trajectory.
Clean your damn gun. if you take care of your gun, she'll take care of you. simple.