heh. leave out the garlic then.
Vit C + Echinacea. as u already kno, good girl
2 things to avoid
- too much sugar (since i believe it feeds the bacteria, if it's bacterial not viral whatever you have)
- anything with 'fever reducer' (because fever is your body's way of frying the little buggers to death). unless u have a very high fever or are really achey.
another suggestion -
esp. if you need to function and are too congested- Robitussin in capsules. (whichever formula suits your symptoms)
and lastly - perhaps drink some alcohol? (the normal drinking kind)
again, only if seemingly bacterial in nature, because i've notised it has somewhat of an internal 'disinfectant' effect.
and of course, lots of water and rest.
good luck, get better soon