If it got bumped around on the way to school, shielding inside of the box may have shifted or come lose. Try moving your speakers three feet away and seeing if it helps. If the subwoofer is any closer than it has been, try moving it away, 3 feet can still cause problems. If there's an air conditioning unit on the roof, and you're on the top floor, that could be doing it, and it snaps back to normal when it cycles off. If any of these does turn out to be the problem, you should look into getting some sort of magnetic shield around the monitor. Of course by magnetic shield, I mean sheet metal.
Another thing to do is check not only the current from the outlet, but make sure it's 60hz A/C and not dropping too low. Also, check to see if your monitor's switch was set to 220v instead of 110. I had an odd problem where the frequency of the curren tdropped too low due to a transformer problem, and the monitor would get progressively worse until it reset itself and degaussed.