I was just wondering who does full contact sparing, except for the head and other vitals, here?
I've got a sesh on tonight and I'm vamped for it. One of the guys who's new went against my instructor last friday. He got knocked down a few times after saying that his previous martial art was the thing.. He wasn't happy about this and said it only was because he went against the instructor and said he wants to go against someone lower so I've stepped out and said 'pick me' hehe... So that'll happen tonight.
But I've just been on this high all weekend leading up to it? I've never been in a proper fight before, but since I have actually done some sparing I've noticed that my reflexes have gotten better as well
Oh and has anyone ever been chi punched?? I went against my instructor the other night and that happened to me.. he punched me in the upper left hand chest area. I was just standing there thinking 'What was that that didn' even hur....' then I fell over.. lol
ok all have fun