I think Seretogis was calling for some information to back up claims, I didn't spend too long researching, but what i did get was a bit about the effects of
or a very impressive looking study at
the conclusion of the second is:
The quantity of D.U. weapons used by U.S. and British forces against Iraq in 1991 was estimated to be approximately 5000-6000 rounds of 120 mm and 940,000 bullets of 30 mm. Its weight was approximately 630,000 pounds (Dan Fahey 98).
The effluent of this weapon is the dust of uranium oxide resulted in pollution of thousands of targets hit by this sort of weapon and surrounding areas in the southern region of Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.
The study of tables and graphs shows the change in the pattern of different types of cancer cases in military personnel who participated in the southern region of Iraq (exposed or not exposed to an explosion). They also show positive odds ratio of cancer cases in relation to the explosion which indicates the association between the factor under study (D.U.) and these cases.
From epidemiological criteria of effluent, the usage of such weapons creates dust or aerosol as a result of explosion of D.U. weapon in the field, and may be transmitted directly to the human body through respiratory system or gastrointestinal system or contaminate wounds directly or through contaminated shrapnel.
The indirect method of transmission is through pollution of the environment in which the soluble part of alpha particles deposited on the soil. In addition, the bullets that missed their targets and fell on the ground can pollute food, surface water, and ground water. (U.S. Army Chemical School, D.U. training 1995).
The significant odds ratio of lymphomas, leukemias, brain CA, which were 5.6, 4.8 and 4.5 respectively in the exposed personnel.
hmmm....and as for the amounts of DU dropped in Iraq as of 2003....
In three separate interviews a U.S. Special Operations Command Colonel admitted that the U.S. and Great Britain fired 500 tons of D.U. munitions into Iraq.
other reports say between 1,000 and 2,000 tons, but none of them had "sources" that I thought would be firm enough for Seretogis