Originally posted by ARTelevision
I am good looking enough to know looks are worth nothing
And wealthy enough to have figured out it has no value.
I am intelligent and know I can never be smart enough.
I see far enough to see an end.
Enlightenment is like these things.
Once it is yours you see right through it.
And you know
Like everything else
It is nothing at all.
The secret of life is life.
We all possess it for a while.
I am old and I will die.
It's time to say the things I've said.
I am old and I will die.
You’ll know it then.
I was already dead.
my chills' chills have chills, art.
now i know without doubt that a theory is definatly right. we are all connected, you just touched my soul, dude. something that only a very few select precious souls can do. this made me laugh... not in a funny way.
when i have clarity or when something
works i just feel alive and i laugh a deep, deep belly laugh. wow.
my whole time on tfp was worth it for this one passage. Thanks, Art. thanks a lot.