Originally posted by inkriminator
What he meant was this. adam should have enlarged his "ego" his self, his conscience large enough to encompass Eve, such that for Eve to do something bad, "eat the apple" would have been as unconscionable as Adam eating the apple. Eve's problem was that she was too headstrong to allow herself to be wrapped inside Adam's ego.
i was raised christian, and attended christian school for 13 years (k - 12 ), ps...i am no longer christian, although i believe in the TEACHINGS..
and my response is this...with out man (adam), there is no eve (woman), so i say it makes no sense. anyone involved is at fault...who is to say who's job it was to take the situation under control, Adam or Eve, in the story...which in my opinion is entirely false. simply a story to teach a lesson to mankind, to not disobey God. Mankind is BOTH MAN AND WOMAN, so if you draw lines then i have 2 words to say to you....F*ck Off.
to say one is at fault and one should have taken a role to play is simply ridiculous. mankind is everyone, down to you and me. which is what i believe, and if you choose to believe the bible word-for-word, then...in essence, YOU, EVERYONE, and I are all at fault for "original sin".