Best weapons/ammo against Zombies.....
Realistically, and personally, I find that guns, unless it is something of a nature that can completely obliterate the head area an exercise in futility. One must destroy the brain and/or sever the spinal cord to be rid of these loathesome pests. All too often this requires riddling their rotting flesh with multiple projectiles until one has inflicted enough damage to meet the above requirements to retire a zombie.
A Defensive Compound is imperative. Personally I would find a way to take over (and command) a small building within an enclosure - surrounded by chain link if possible - and reinforce the perimeter. Once the free world goes to shit and these slobbering bastards are on the loose, picking up supplies will be ...well, maybe not easy, but easy enough to loot from your local hardware stores and what have you. I would add concertina wire. Both sides. Maximum security prison style. I would procure a backhoe and dig a moat, five feet wide, eight feet deep with sharpened stakes at the bottom so those little fuckers aren't getting out easily once they'r edown there. I would supply my compound with a generator, at least three work trucks (to haul supplies) and have gasoline, dry goods and water on hand, and plenty of it. I would build a high watch point if there wasn't one already and arm myself with a high powered sniper rifle to pick the wandering idiots off from a distance. A generator and clean water supply is paramount as zombies have a tendency to take out power lines inadvertently and should one or more of them fall into the water supply and contamitate it, you'll be happy you have your evian/deer park/polar/store brand water instead of throwing down zombie juice. I would also stock up on medical supplies, everything from bandages and antibiotic ointment to medical instruments forceps and the like (to remove foreign objects *cough bullets-from-other-looters cough*), medical books (Merck's, Gray's, PDR) and plenty of drugs (NON recreational - don't risk chemical mind vacations and let your guard down).
Fire is good. Wether or not you want to clear out the Korpse Kabobs™ with flames, chainsaws, or hefty bags is your choice. But you don't want these things to accumulate like some sort of giant air DErefshener, yaknowwhatImean? So keep plenty of fire making utensils, devices, whatever on hand. Anything along the lines of projectile/incindiary devices are good. If you can't get 'em, learn how to make 'em. Grenades Gooooooood. Take along books. Plenty of books and things to keep yourself occupied. World's King was gracious enough to suggest Asain Porn, although I am not a fan myself.
Try to think of it as a really long camping trip. Or like building a fort when you were a kid. Only when your friend raided your fort they didn't rend you limb from limb and eat you.
If I seem a little obsessed; yes, I wholeheartedly embrace that. I have been worrying incessantly about the impending doom of all things zombie since about age four. I go to sleep at night pondering which pieces of furniture would be pushed up against the windows to bar entry. I... ...I have spent far too much time on this.
p.s. oh yeah, and everything Ogre and Bob Biter said.
Last edited by SpoilSport; 07-30-2003 at 08:18 AM..