Originally posted by DownwardSpiral
I want you to prove it, as you said you could, did you not? I don't wanna hear the opinions of professional opinion givers I want you to prove to me in your own words that good is impossible. And I'm starting to think that it's impossible for you to prove that good cannot be done. You have to have some proof that it's impossible, otherwise you woulden't have started the thread in the first place, right?
me: look outside the sky is bule.
you: no it isnt where is your proof.
me: look out side
you: so you say. where is your proof that is blue? i see no proof
me: here is a chart that says the color up there is blue
you: i want proof. this chart is not proof. where is your references.
me: this leader in his feild of physics say it is so
you: all you have proven is that we shouldnt trust those people. where is your proof.
me: what kind of proof do you want
you: i want hard, concrete proof that it is blue.
me: so have you see whos on second. no whos on first. (albert and constello)